• www.imcra-az.org

    Journal title Science, Education and Innovations in the Context of Modern Problems 



    Journal (International)

    ISSN 2790-0169
    E-ISSN  2790-0177
    OCLC Number 1322801874
    Short Title  SEI
    Abbreviated key-title Sci. educ. innov. context mod. probl.
    ISBN  978-1451-11-764-6
    Editor Nasir Mammadov, Mammad
    Chairman of Editorial Board Dr. Uma Shankar Yadav (India)
    Publisher & Organization International Meetings and Journals Research Association (IMCRA)
    E-mail (Submission & Contact) [email protected]
    Topics Science and Social Sciences (no Art and Humanities)
    Frequency  Bi-monthly (6 in a year, from 2021)
    Number of Regular Issues 6 Issues
    Number or Special Issues No special issue.
    Number or articles in Regular Issue 10-40 articles
    DOI prefix 10.56334/sei
    Annotation The journal publishes journal proceedings. The journal publishes original research by domestic and foreign authors in the field of science and innovation, as well as articles reflecting the application of these original research in the field of education. The management of the journal gives preference to articles on original and relevant topics. However, in 2019 and 2020, the number of articles on the pandemic (COVID 19) was low. There is no special edition. The publishing policy is not mass, but innovative. Our motto: success cannot be accidental. The journal is published entirely in English so that foreign authors can read it.
    Established 2018
    ZDB-Number 3120374-7
    Web of Science no
    Scopus no
    DOAJ no





    Aim of the Journal The aim of the Science & Education and Innovations Journal is to synthesize science and education, to apply innovative ideas of science in education. The innovations of modern science are sometimes not applied in education. Scientific innovations have been observed, especially in all areas of the exact sciences. The purpose of the SEI Journal is not to provide basic historical articles, but to research and analyze recent events and forecasts for the future.
    Keywords Science, education, innovation, technology, research, journal, proceedings, SEI journal.


    Business and Management
    Environmental Studies
    Interdisciplinary research in the Social Sciences
    Library and Information Science
    Pedagogical & Educational Research
    Political Sciences and International Relations
    Science and Technology Studies
    Social Statistics and Informatics
    Economics and Business
    Educational Sciences
    Languages and Literature
    Media and Communications
    Other Social Sciences
    Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
    Political Science
    Social and Economic Geography
    Mode of Proceeding Open access, Peer-reviewed, Regular
    Period from accepting to publish online 2-20 days
    Period from receiving to acceptance  10-29 days
    Average number of weeks between article submission & publication 6-8 weeks
    Indexing and abstracting, archives ResearchGate, ISSN, Archive.org, Calameo, Citefactor, WorldCat, ErihPlus, PUBLONSFachinformationsdienst Mathematik (FidMath), Scilit Database (MDPI),  PhilArchive (Digital Philosophy),  EuroPub, BASE Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, İdealOnline, Türk Eğitim İndeksi, e-Library.ru, DRJI, ResearchBib, Izdanii.ru, Google Scholar, Electronic Journals Library Universitätsbibliothek Duisburg-Essen

     CC BY 4.0


    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

    Length of manuscript 1000 - 12000 words
    Length of abstracts 100-300 words
    Length of Keywords 3-6 words
    Style of References APA 7 
    Price (publishing fee) 100 USD $
    Languages English, Turkish, Russian
    Access policy Open Access (online)
    Address Azerbaijan, Baku city. A.Jafarov str.13., 13th Microdistrict
    Phone +994515412592
    Website www.imcra-az.org
    Review System Open Peer review, Editorial Peer review
    Archiving Online. Open Access, pdf, and printed
    Country (Publisher and Journal) The Republic of Azerbaijan
    Members of Editorial Board 80 members
    Numb. of Editorial memb. from Foreign Count. 61 members
    Numb. of Editorial memb. from Azerbaijan 19 members
    Archiving policy Internet archive