Author Guidelines

    Rules for preparing articles

    Journal language: Articles are accepted in English.

    Articles should be relevant to the topics covered by the journal.

    The volume of articles should be at least 6 pages, no more than 8 pages.

    The article must indicate the JEL code (for economics).

    The page number in the article should not be indicated.

    Page sizes should be as follows:

    A4 paper size

    Left edge gap 2cm

    Right edge gap 2 cm

    Indent from the top edge 2 cm.

    Gap at the bottom edge 2 cm.

    Times New Roman Font

    Writing style Regular

    Body text font size 12 

    Font size for tables (if any) 10

    Font size for notes 10

    The distance between the lines is 1 cm.

    Size between paragraphs 6 nc

    Articles must be written in the following order:

    Information about the author(s)

    Name, patronymic, surname, academic degree, institution address and e-mail address, work and mobile phone number, if ORCID is available (capital letter, font size - 12)

    The title of the article in the language in which it is written

    (CAPITAL LETTERS, dark, font size - 12)

    Summary of the article and keywords

    150 words in written language, 3-5 keywords, font size - 10

    The annotation to the article should be written separately, with the same content, no more than 200 words, and express the essence of the article. Depending on the language of the submitted abstracts, the title should contain the last name, first name, patronymic of the author(s), academic degree, name of the institution in which he works, position, title of the article.

    In English - the Purpose, Design / method / approach, Conclusions (Results), Key words should be reflected.

    The article should be clearly structured, one line should be skipped and, starting from a new line, the name and surname of the author (s), academic degree, tasks, main direction, problem and topic, abstract, keywords, introduction, main text should be indicated. divided into headings; conclusion, bibliography and summary and keywords in foreign languages ​​(abstract, keywords, abstract, keywords).

    The sequence of the text of the article:


    Capital letter, large, font size - 12


    Paragraphs within paragraphs should only be filled with Word's paragraph routine, not spaces and tabs. Important expressions should be written in semicolon and italics, not in color (because they are not on the sheet). Do not frame (text with a frame), because after breaking the frames, the text located there may fall into another part of the article.

    At the end of a scientific article, in accordance with the nature of the field of science and the article, the scientific novelty of the work, its application, economic efficiency, etc. With. should be clearly indicated.


    Capital letter, large, font size - 12

    Graphic and illustrative materials. You need to use Excel to create graphs and charts (all basic numerical information related to the image must be stored in the file itself). If graphics are processed in special programs, then save them in vector format (*.pdf, *.eps, *.ai, *.cdr).

    References and a list of sources in articles at the journal are accepted in the style of APA 7. The rules for providing references and sources are as follows:

    The article should contain links only to scientific sources. The list of references includes scientific articles, monographs, etc. over the last 5-10 years. links should be preferred. References in the text are given in brackets, first the number, then the page, separated by commas.

    example: [Mammadov, 1964], [Mammadov, Radlov,, 1992]

    In the list of sources, sources are numbered with Arabic numerals, the order is not in alphabetical order, but in the order of use within the text. If the same literature is cited elsewhere in the text, then the reference to the literature should be indicated by the previous number. The list of sources includes monographs, edited books, articles, journal proceedings, electronic resources in the following example:


    The author's surname, initials, title, place of publication, publisher and year should be indicated.

    Example: Wilkinson I. (2017) Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine. Oxford: Oxford Press

    Note. Titles of books in Russian must be transliterated in Latin letters. The system (BSI) is used to transliterate works in Russian into Latin letters.

    Example: Mammadzadah A.V. Pryamye inostrannye investitsii stran Vostochnoi Azii: Kitai, Yaponiya, Respublika Koreya, Mongoliya. M.: Knorus; 2018 (In Russ.)

    Edited books

    After the surname and initials of the edition of the book, the title of the work, place of publication, publisher and year are indicated.

    Example: Norman I.J., Redfern S.J., eds. (1996) Psychological help for the elderly. New York: Churchill Livingston; 1996.


    The author's surname, initials, article title, journal title (in italics), year, number, pages and, if available, DOI number should be indicated.

    Example: Vega K. (1996) Heart transplantation is associated with an increased risk of pancreatobiliary disease. Annals of Internal Medicine. 124(11): 962-980. doi: 10.7326 / 0003-4819-124-11-199606010-00005

    Note. The article in Russian, the name of the journal in which it is published, as well as the name of its author must be given in English. The title of the article and the journal cannot be freely translated: the official English title of the journal, the title of the article in the English abstract and the author's name must remain original. It should be indicated in brackets that the article is in Russian (In Russ).

    If the English title of the article is in Russian or the journal does not have an official English title, the title of the article must be transliterated in Latin letters. The system (BSI) is used to transliterate works in Russian into Latin letters.

    Example: Kanaev E.A., Rodosskaya M., Kuznetsov A.V. (2016) Direct foreign investments of East Asian countries: Southeast Asia: actual problems of development.  (33): 10-27. (In Russian)

    Journal materials

    The author's surname, initials, article title, journal name (in italics), year, place and, if available, reference should be indicated.

    Example: Chu H., Rosenthal M. (1996) Search Engines for the World Wide Web: A Comparative Study and Evaluation Methodology. 1996 American Society for Information Science Annual Journal. October 19-24, Baltimore.

    Electronic resources

    The URL and date of the resource must be specified.

    Example: Duchin J.S. (2004) Can Biological Terrorism Preparedness Save Us From Whooping Cough? Arch Pediatric Adolesc Med. 158(2): 106-107. Available at: As of June 1, 2004

    Dissertations and abstracts

    Links to dissertations and abstracts are not desirable. Instead, it is more appropriate to refer to articles and monographs based on the dissertation materials.